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Abuse Has No Color

This site has been created to help men and women who are dealing with abusive relationships.

Who is it for?

Abuse Has No Color is a website dedicated to helping men and women that either presently experiencing or healing from physical and/or mental abuse. Here you will be able to vent, reach out, comment, and get spiritual counseling. Also, if you need a listening ear this website is for you.

​ We are open for comments, however, please be respectful of others. For those who need more detailed help and assistance, we promise to do our best to provide information and resources to help you.

There are different purposes for the site to get you out of harm’s way to help you realize how important you really are to start the healing process in your life.

Psalm 139:14 (NKJV) I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. .

Get Help!

Your eyes are the windows of the soul. Mathews 6:22-23

Reach out through this site. Or just respond to my messenger. Remember …HELP IS ON THE WAY.

Everything's Looking Up for You

When storms of life hit you…..fall on your knees, ..cry if you must…acknowledge to God, that you can’t do it on your own and that you need HIS help….and believe that HE will come through….I promise you it will get better in …..HIS time…….. Expect it.

Working hours

Monday- Friday: 10:00-4:30 PM

We are here

Lexington, NC

Copyright 2017 – Abuse Has No Color

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